Social Media – The Key of Digital Marketing

Did you know there are more than 2.789 million active users of social networks? That’s 37% of the world population!
That’s why this strategy is responsible for attracting a large part of professionals to the world of digital marketing.

You probably already know someone who says anyone can do it, right?

But social media is something serious.  It requires technical knowledge for the adaptation to the public, the definition of language, frequency, content, performance analysis, among other skills.

Social Media is the face of your business. And it’s online image depends on the quality of your Social Media administration. It is important to remember that the social media professional must always be attentive because, with the change in consumer habits and habits, their preferences are also altered.

Social media posts drive targeted traffic. 

Whatever your industry, segment and audience, a substantial portion of your customers and leads are on social. A recent Pew Research Center study found that 68% of American adults are Facebook users. Among 18 to 24-year-olds, 78% use Instagram and 45% are on Twitter. Even among Americans 65 and older, 37% are social media users.

Having access to all those customers helps you boost traffic, particularly for new site content. When you post a new blog or update your homepage, it can take a while to get traction with Google. That means very few customers will know the new content is there until the next time they’re searching for your product or service.

Social media posts provide an opportunity for the public to find your new web content and click through to your site.

And because those posts will primarily show up in the feeds of followers and people interested in your product, that traffic is typically very targeted. It won’t just boost your traffic numbers — it will bring in the type of visitors you want to attract.

Now that you know the importance of Social Media is time to step up your marketing game!

Feel free to contact us for more information.